Quick: ES6 gulpfile using Gulp 4 with Babel
By default Gulp does not support modern javascript features such as import statements, consts and lets. In this quick post I try to describe how to set up Gulp 4 to allow for a modern gulpfile.
This post assumes you have already installed Gulp 4 as a dev dependency, my other post describes how in the Setting up Gulp4 section.
Install and add Babel to package
First you will have to install babel dev dependencies
$ npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/register @babel/preset-env
After which you should add the following to your package.json file
"babel": {
"presets": ["@babel/env"]
Rename gulpfile
Last important thing you will have to do is to rename your gulpfile.js
to gulpfile.babel.js
, and you’re set!
Example gulpfile and usage
This is an example of a gulpfile.babel.js
using import statements, consts and using exports to expose a task.
// import gulp
import gulp from "gulp";
// define functions
const hello = (done) => {
const world = (done) => {
// Expose helloworld series task
exports.helloworld = gulp.series(hello, world);
And usage
$ gulp helloworld
[17:00:45] Requiring external module @babel/register
[17:00:47] Using gulpfile /mnt/c/www/gulp-tutorial/gulpfile.babel.js
[17:00:47] Starting 'helloworld'...
[17:00:47] Starting 'hello'...
[17:00:47] Finished 'hello' after 1.72 ms
[17:00:47] Starting 'world'...
[17:00:47] Finished 'world' after 852 μs
[17:00:47] Finished 'helloworld' after 7.64 ms